Joep Beving / Hermetism
Hermetism (2022)
Measurements: 10m00x4m00
Materials: motors, steel, aluminium, custom light, haze, ARRI T12
The scenography for Hermetism consists out of two ‘instruments’.
One we coined as ‘the source’. A light inspired by energy. A central light that is able to be used directly, but is also able to reflect, refract and transform into something unpredictable while continuously beaming from the same source. Transforming, mutating, and transmuting into something else without having a different origin. One focal point at the end of the room, one mind.

The second we coined ‘the balance’. 7 large scales, moved only by shifting their weight; inspired by the 7 laws of hermetism, with a special notion to Polarity; a pair of opposities. By using light inside the scales, at the position of the weight the scales seem to be sometimes, floating, sometimes moving, sometimes light and drifting, sometimes solid and heavy. The scales can swing fast, but can only move slow continuously, as we have to abide the laws of gravity while we use them.
The installations are also loosely inspired by the psychology of open eye meditation; they can be seen as repetitive tools to slowly guide you into the performance.
Creative direction / Boris Acket & Joep Beving • Creative engineering / Merijn Versnel