skyline II
Skyline II
SKYLINE II / DGTL Amsterdam / 2019
SKYLINE II is a spatial audiovisual live performance and installation. Using a 4DSOUND powered system with 32 speakers and 16 subwoofers, sound animates, synchronous to 64 kinetic lights, over an 80 meter distance throughout the space.
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The piece was a logical succession to the much more ‘violent’ predecessor ‘SKYLINE I’ The kinetic sculpture came alive by using a tool with non synchronous LFO’s to modulate the structure’s shapes & patterns
We invited 3 artists to join us on stage and create 3 special performances in the work to research the boundaries of the performance space
This project was initiated by
Boris Acket, Bob Roijen & Nick Verstand
In collaboration with
Poul Holleman & 4DSound