Einder II test
Einder II
Einder II / Lost Art Festival / 2021
EINDER is a 30 metres long audiovisual installation combining moving fabric, dynamic light and spatial sound in one synchronous piece.
EINDER originated from a collaboration between audiovisual artist Boris Acket and longtime friend, DJ and producer Elias Mazian. The idea came to life through Mazian’s own interpretation of his Dutch titled album ‘Vrij van Dromen’ (De Vlieger / Job Jobse, 2020); when listening to it he saw these endless repetitive natural patterns; the surface of water, lush fields of long grass dancing in the wind. Acket started searching for a way to generate and emulate natural patterns on stage and came up with a design involving a series of engines and fans able to manipulate the shape and movement of a large piece of fabric.
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